Dowload / Free Trial

If you are new here, we want to make sure that our software meets your needs.

Try it yourself: download and install the software. You can use it for a trial period during which it will work with all the features, without any restrictions.
If you are satisfied you can purchase it and get the activation key to continue using it.

If you are already a licensed user, you can download the latest version below.

BlueSol Design 4

Version 4.0.008

590.00 € + Taxes* – lifetime license

15 days trial

BlueCAD 2.0

Version 2.0.010

129.00 € + Taxes* – lifetime license

30 days trial

BlueCAD Express 2.0

Version 2.0.010

49.00 € + Taxes* – lifetime license

30 days trial

* Taxes depend on the buyer’s country

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